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New York, United States

Iberostar 70 Park Avenue

Chic New York Escape in the Heart of Manhattan with City Views & Starbucks Gift Card

Iberostar 70 Park Avenue logo

New York, New York! The land of the free, the inspired and the utterly stylish – stay among it all in true Manhattan fashion at the chic Iberostar 70 Park Avenue. Nestled along the iconic Park Avenue, famous for its prestigious, notable and affluent reputation among New Yorkers, and easily within walking distance to the city’s most notorious landmarks – including Central Park, the Empire State Building and Madison Square Garden – you will not find a more perfectly located hotel. Live out your New York dreams as you join the hustle and bustle of this thriving metropolis, ducking into Starbucks for a Grande Caramel Frappuccino, grabbing a bagel to go and rubbing shoulders with the fashionistas at Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale’s.

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