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Hong Kong, Hong Kong

EAST Hong Kong

57 reviews

Hong Kong Lifestyle Retreat overlooking Victoria Harbour with Rooftop Bar, Daily Breakfast & Nightly Drinks

EAST Hong Kong logo
57 reviews

Experience the romance of disappearing into a glittering cityscape from your sky-high stay at EAST Hong Kong. In the heart of Taikoo Shing, the eastern business district, this lifestyle hotel fosters complete cosmopolitan immersion with the charm of local neighbourhood surroundings. Bikes are also on hand for adventures further afield, with plenty of pathways along the city’s iconic waterfront. The unique birdnest staircase invites guests to EAST Hong Kong’s contemporary lobby, setting the scene for design-driven interiors. Sustainability is the hotel’s foremost initiative, with the majority of products being recyclable or reusable and plant-based fare commonplace on restaurant menus, while in-room water filters leave little need for single-use plastics.

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