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Bali, Indonesia

Padang Padang Inn/De Sapphire/Villa Laut/Eastin Ashta Resort


Bali Fitness Retreat with All-Inclusive Gourmet Meals

Padang Padang Inn/De Sapphire/Villa Laut/Eastin Ashta Resort logo

Reset your mind and body on an Active Escapes fitness retreat in Bali, where you’ll be trained by a team of highly qualified local and international experts while enjoying nutritious, gourmet all-inclusive dining. Aimed at active, like-minded travellers, all packages include six nights of Bali accommodation, return airport transfers, daily breakfast, lunch and dinner, all fitness training and equipment plus surf tuition and boards, three full-body massages, unlimited natural spring water to keep you hydrated, and more.

Travel until 19 Oct 2019
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